
Planned Parenthood vs. Gun Violence - Hypocrisy Greater Than the World Itself

 Planned Parenthood vs. Gun Violence - Hypocrisy Greater Than the World Itself   Advice,Christianity,Current Affairs Planned Parenthood vs. Gun Violence – Hypocrisy Greater Than the World Itself With the help of some simple math, statistics and basic honesty this article could write itself. To clarify, guns are not the main topic here. To this writer it is not the second amendment, gun manufacturers or the NRA that is behind America’s rash of gun violence. It is a generation long plunge into Godlessness that robs people of hope, faith and morality. Add to that, the slaughter of innocent unborn babies to the tune of 60 million since 1973, these two are what make today’s nascent disrespect for life easy to understand. Then comes the pseudo-science of Darwinism that presumes to tell us when life began billions of years ago, but they are as yet, unable to say for sure when life begins in the womb. They insist the newly forming human being is a lump of tissue and can freely be discarded at